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Gift Of Finest Wheat Hymns Lyrics

Gift Of Finest Wheat Hymns Lyrics

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

As When The Shepherd Calls His Sheep - They Know And Heed His Voice
So When You Call Your Family Lord - We Follow And Rejoice

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

With Joyful Lips We Sing To You - Our Praise And Gratitude
That You Should Count Us Worthy Lord - To Share This Heavenly Food

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

Is Not The Cup We Bless And Share - The Blood Of Christ Out-Poured?
Do Not One Cup One Loaf Declare - Our Oneness In The Lord?

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

The Mystery Of Your Presence Lord - No Mortal Tongue Can Tell:
Whom All The World Cannot Contain - Comes In Our Hearts To Dwell

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

You Give Yourself To Us O Lord - Then Selfless Let Us Be
To Serve Each Other In Your Name - In Truth And Charity

You Satisfy The Hungry Heart - With Gift Of Finest Wheat
Come Give To Us O Saving Lord - The Bread Of Life To Eat

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